Positive Enlightenment by Ameenah

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that uses subtle energy to promote healing and relaxation. It’s commonly used today to promote healing and relaxation. The word Reiki itself means “Universal Life Force Energy”, while the two symbols used in reiki are known as symbols of power and mental-emotional or spiritual healing.

They are often referred to as the distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) and the emotional/mental symbol (Sei He Ki). Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, which is pronounced “Hoan Shah Zay Show Nehn”, is the most frequently used of these symbols because it allows energy to be sent over long distances and through time. This means that if someone needs help from another country or continent away from where they live in their own country then this could happen by just sending out those Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbols.

Is Reiki Religious Healing?

No, Reiki is rather a spiritual healing and mankind is using it since ancient times. It was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the 1900s when he was on a quest to find some answers. He sat on top of the mountain in B meditation for 40 days. During his meditation, he received reiki symbols. On his way back he got injured he tried it on himself when he was going back, he injured his toe and then he chanted and visually thought about the symbols and to his surprise, he got healed and his bleeding stopped.

The symbols used in this practice come from traditional Japanese art and religion—the Sun Wheel represents creation; water represents life force; fire represents purification; earth represents sustenance; wind symbolizes breath; mountain represents peace within oneself while travelling up mountainsides toward enlightenment (this image also appears in many ancient texts).

“The word Reiki itself means “Universal Life Force Energy”, while the two symbols used in reiki are known as symbols of power and mental-emotional or spiritual healing. They are often referred to as the distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) and the emotional/mental symbol (Sei He Ki)”

How Reiki Healing works?

Reiki is a Japanese system of energy healing that uses the practitioner’s hands to send energy through the palms and into the person being healed. The word Reiki itself means “Universal Life Force Energy”, while the two symbols used in reiki are known as symbols of power and mental-emotional or spiritual healing. They are often referred to as the distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) and the emotional/mental symbol (Sei He Ki).

Reiki was first introduced by Mikao Usui in 1911 at a ceremony called “The First Human Body Temple” on Mount Byakko where he conducted reiki sessions for his students who had become ill during their training period. He later began teaching this method publicly at parties which became popular throughout Japan, so much so that today there are over 50 different schools worldwide offering classes on how to practice or teach yourself how you can start practising without having any prior knowledge about reiki whatsoever!

“Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, which is pronounced “Hoan Shah Zay Show Nehn”, is the most frequently used reiki symbol and means “The Buddha in me meets the Buddha in you.” This symbol allows energy to be sent over long distances and through time. It’s also a symbol of attunement”

Reiki practitioners often use this symbol when they are attuning someone else or sending them Reiki energy through time and space.

“Sei He Ki, pronounced “Say Hay Key”, is a reiki symbol used for emotional and mental healing. It means “God and I are One.” Combined with Reiki energy, it protects your aura from negative energies by making your energetic field stronger”

Reiki healing can be used for any kind of physical or emotional discomfort such as backache, headaches, sore muscles or joints, psychological issues like anxiety or depression, insomnia (trouble sleeping), muscle pain caused by injury/overuse etc. Chronic illnesses such as diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2), COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) etc. Menopause symptoms – hot flashes/night sweats etc.

Seek Help Before it’s Too Late

We hope you found this article interesting and informative. If you have any questions about reiki or other therapies, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or visit our website www.positiveenlightenment.ca

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