Positive Enlightenment by Ameenah

Embrace yourself and be a rockstar ⭐

I am rocking by embracing who I am ! I am a star and I love myself the way I am. You have to be thin to wear this, take some fat reduction pills, you are too bustier, you butts are too big, you look like a aunt you cant do this, no one will marry you because “You Are Fat”, we don’t carry your size! Hence, you are not good enough! How many of you feel what I am talking about? Body Shaming and conditioning initially starts from others then when they stopped, we start for ourselves and yes better than them trained well enough to carry that job In a more military style way journey towards feeling limited and not good enough started from very early age at one point end up doing all kind of healthy unhealthy diets to look the size which people see as perfect and my only way to feel good was in a certain way and people love me. Naive I was right! I grew up with that perception of not being enough… and not safe and I know it was not just my house hold it was ingrained in our society’s Culture. Fat helps give your body energy, protects your organs, supports cell growth! Fat is a layer of protection for the body, when we feel unsafe emotionally it’s one of the mind response for protection is to hide you under fat layers… mind is not our enemy it always does what it thinks you wanted to do and mind’s no.1 job is to keep you alive. In my case I was not feeling connected, was not visible and heard and being fat was one thing my mind’s wanted to do to make me visible I also reached to a defined perfect size as well at one time but falls back again and again didn’t know why is it so hard to feel good. My spiritual quest led me to heal myself by changing beliefs it was initially seemed not easy but repetition makes it one step closer with emotion releasing therapies and off course my fav RTT all helped me heal my deepest , darkest, hardest wounds.. now I walk with my fellow souls and stand with them to uncover their darkest place with their own light

Trauma happened in the past ! You are carrying traumatic interpretation in your mind…

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations.” David Icke Limiting beliefs are the core belief like a belief bible beliefs that we think to be true that do not presently serve us in any way. They can negatively affect the way we react to situations, the way we problem-solve, our interactions with others, and the way we see the world. Our perception of the world formed by those beliefs. Think about children’s nature how they are playful open and caring. They see magic in everything and know that anything is possible. As we get older, and conditioned to be domesticated begin to believe that not everything is possible, and we see obstacles and problems in situations all around us. Sometimes we judge a situation before we have a chance to live in it. This is due to our limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs can be as common and terrible as believing we are not good enough. I am not loveable, I am different etc.. They can also be the words  we tell ourselves, such as “I am stupid “ I am never be lucky ” “I never win,” “Everyone else has it I am not that lucky” or “Where i go problems follow me.” Whatever they may be, limiting beliefs do not serve us, and they can very strongly change the way we react to the world around us. A lot of times they can make us put people off and push ourselves away from others. And, by believing that the worst will always happen to us, we are putting energy subconsciously to attract the worst to us. Why do we have these limiting beliefs? We have them due to the way we were raised. We develop them as we move through our daily experiences/traumatic events  in our childhood. Our ego took the road of separation from our true nature that is all about fourth force and the irony is sometimes it is not even our beliefs it is given to us by our parents/caretakers and often we pick them from the environment. They also can stick around from past life traumas. Good news is we have the ability to change the perception for the traumatic event or events .We cannot change what happened in the past. You become traumatized  and the meaning and interpretation your mind attached to it becomes the limitation but once you understand these limitation’s root cause,  it can be removed  in just a two hour hypnosis session and that’s the wonder of hypnotherapy. Let’s Connect Here

Remember your perception of the world is a reflection of your state of consciousness ~ Echart tolle

Discovering a past life for the first time can easily happen in your meditation practice or in a hypnotherapy Session. It could also randomly happen to you at any point in your life. I regressed into one of my own past life at a very young age. I can’t explain what happened I was confused and my quest began. Then, one day I  heard someone on a radio show, talking about no time space concept and it was just the beginning of my exploration of 4th Dimension I learned so much from him as my mentor later he was talking, how we can explore our past and future lives through time tunnel without a second thought I knew in my heart, I traveled to the place where this past life occurred, I had vivid scène of me being a warrior got wounded then died in a desert and experience the transition from death to light which I had no idea how I knew that all, I just knew it’s me having that experience.  I like to say that a past life will present itself to you when you need it the most. So, I stumble into a past life experience when I was in strong need of an aspect that I had an abundance of in that previous life or something that needs to be resolved or need improvement, for me initially it was relationship, then my own healing, then as a aware soul my responsibility to spread awareness and support others in their journey. When I saw one of my life in Egypt as a close ally to the queen Nefertiti and doing very similar what I am doing now, I knew I brought a lot of experience and wisdom from my previous lifetime . We learned and learned from life times after lifetimes until we become expert or untangle any energetic entanglement that is required. So, personally, I think when the time is right, you will surely have an aspect of who you once were present itself to you in the way you need it, whether or not you are looking for it. However, there are also ways to discover this in your Past Life Regression Therapy Session. How unfinished business from past lives can affect our present. Our souls can hang onto patterns until we learn our lessens and if we don’t we incarnate with the same lessen life after life to learn.  Something that I find incredibly interesting that past lives can influence our present – for the good and the bad. Past lives can shape our limiting beliefs, affect our relationships, and even craft some of our fears. Perhaps we have triggers or fears that make no sense, and they are likely linked to some trauma we experienced many lives ago. Our souls can hang onto patterns we deemed important so many lifetimes ago. We can have trouble releasing these fears if they are not effectively worked through. This is, in part, why past-life regression therapy can be so beneficial. If we don’t look in the soul cyclic patterns, it can even carry over into physical manifestations. One of my client was complaining discomfort in her lower chest area and when we followed the origin of that pain in past life regression she was attacked at that same place in one of her life and some unresolved issues needed attention and pain was the indicator. How I can support you in your journey?  It can be hard to let go of the past or to get rid of problematic patterns we may be holding onto, but it isn’t impossible by any means if you have right resources available to let go of these childhood conditioning , limiting beliefs first we need to find your blocks then I’ll guide you to unblock , heal and seal with the guidance of your’s and mine spirit guides and my two decades experience in this field .  You will see how much better your life is without that blocks and cyclic patterns in it, and how really easy it is to manifest new way of living. Eventually, with time and focus, you can find that pattern to be a distant memory. Recognizing the patterns and limiting beliefs you have carried over from those lives can be extremely beneficial for you. Discovering and understanding your past lives can be a very exciting and enlightening experience that can help to improve your life so you can experience your best life now in present moment is such a wonderful thing. With focus determination, and right guidance you can let go of your limiting beliefs / past life blocks and live the life you want. I (Ameenah) is a Past life Regression Therapist since last 2 decades, you can book a session with me at here.

Why it seems impossible to break a habit when you know that it’s not beneficial for you?

Chances are, you’re experiencing a battle between the conscious and subconscious mind. Subconscious mind wants to keep that habit because When it brought that habit first mind thought it’s the only way to keep you safe. Mind’s number 1 job is to keep you alive as long as it can, and moves you towards pleasure but dopamine can create problems when triggered in the wrong context. The conscious part of our mind is logical, rational decision-making, and willpower. But did you know that this part of our mind makes up only about 12% of our total brainpower? The remaining 88% is ALL happening on a subconscious level. If you’re struggling to change a behavior or habit, it’s because on some level there is a subconscious motivation to keep it it must be activating the reward centers Dopamine triggered in wrong context in your brain where it doesn’t care about the result but the process of comfort and pleasure. Let’s say you know smoking hazards but almost every night before bed you want to light a cigarette. You may consciously understand that this habit isn’t supporting your health goals and it’s very dangerous but, your subconscious mind (whose job is to keep you safe at all times doesn’t wants you to experience discomfort and pain) it says in essence: “But this makes me feel happy , gives me comfort and pleasure.” In order to change an unhealthy habit we have to build positive associations to a new behaviour by creating new neural pathways and disrupt old patterns. Mind only learns new things through repetition. Accessing alpha or theta state of brainwaves leads us to the state where we surpassed the critical faculty of brain and operate in more suggestible way… imagination always wins in front of logic. Hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool to “reprogram our software.” By making mind understand what it no longer need. So what is hypnotherapy?Many people are curious about it, but hesitate because of what they’ve seen on television or stage shows my job start by explaining to people that hypnosis is a very normal, safe and natural state.What if I told you that you already go into hypnosis several times a day — would you believe me? Have you ever cried in the movie theatre because you were zoned out and felt the same emotion though you knew you are watching movie and it’s not real? You know that relaxed state right before you fall asleep at night? If you answered yes, then congratulations! You’ve already been hypnotized. Typically, a client comes to a hypnotherapist for assistance with personal development goals, childhood trauma, increasing confidence, focus, breaking a habit, improving health, wellness, weight loss, stress relief, etc. Whatever the goal, hypnosis is an incredibly affective tool to assist with reprogramming the subconscious mind by reaching to the root cause and eliminating those limited beliefs. Here are the five most important things you should know before seeing a hypnotherapist: Hypnotherapy sessions are different from what you’ve seen onstage.Yes, the stage shows are real, but they are for entertainment purposes only. You are in control and highly aware of your surrounding. Hypnotherapy is a tool to reach to the subconscious mind by surpassing conscious mind. Subconscious conscious both works to keep us safe. Bring conscious subconscious on same page now both are working in collaboration and that’s the goal. The good news is that hypnosis is safe, effective, and works very quickly compared to other types of surface therapy. But, hypnosis is not a magic wand and in most cases, results won’t happen overnight.Remember, it takes 21 days to create a new habit and then a minimum of 1-3 sessions. Everyone can be hypnotized.It’s important to remember all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You cannot be hypnotized against your will, and working with a hypnotherapist is a co-creative process. The most common reason for failure to induce a hypnotic state is a lack of rapport and trust with a hypnotherapist, or working with someone without proper training.Always check into the education and background of a new hypnotherapist before committing to a session, and choose to continue working with someone with whom you feel a sense of trust and rapport. Hypnosis is not about being asleep.Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness where the body is deeply relaxed and the mind is alert. On occasion, a person may drift into sleep, but this is not the goal of the session. It is the hypnotherapists’ job to make sure the client maintains a relaxed awareness during the session, and remains awake.Although the mind may drift, you should still be able to hear everything that is being said to you during the session. Hypnotherapists are not doctors.Hypnotherapy is not meant to replace medical care; rather, it is a self-improvement tool to enhance the healing process.

Five steps to over come, When you don’t get what you want!

As a human, we always strive to better our living in every way. In all areas of our life and it happens when we plan to reach at certain place or level in life financially, in relationship, in career or anything else with a lot of hard work still feels we are not moving and getting tired! Everything shattered sometimes in moments, for example the deal? didn’t materialize, you don’t get promotions, didn’t end up with your ideal life etc. It’s hard to cope but there is always a way out because limitation is only in our mind if we understand how to work through it, we’ll be saved from going deep in to looping negative thoughts then hopelessness then anxiety and depression. This is a process it takes time give yourself some time. That’s how I do it❤️ Step 1: Breathe… hold… exhale… hold. Take out your emotions like cry, give yourself time to absorb but don’t talk negative about self. Positive self talk is the key ? don’t beat yourself up. You can talk to your best buddy too to release. “The words you speak and picture you make create your reality” Marisa Peer. Step 2: Write down in journal how are you feeling. First, all your failures then how to overcome it! If you question your mind how I can overcome ? You’ll receive a lot of information. Step 3: Look for hope the slightest light in darkest cave light the cave? that’s the beauty of hope. In human history hope always played very important and central part in moving ahead. Step 4: Now time to ground yourself or do creative activity any thing you love to do like cooking, inspirational reading listening, walk in the nature observe spend some time out there or just doodling, coloring like a child. I give permission to myself to play and enjoy? I release myself from any guilt I I was holding. I am enough, what is meant to be for me it’ll find its way. I trust the Universal plans. Step 5: Visualize you already achieved what you wanted, feel the feeling of achievement, associate that feeling with your any previous achievement. Bring that on surface and be in that moment. Be grateful and by this time I am sure you are feeling much better and got good hold of your loss. When we focus on something we have the ability to create. Focus on what you want with unshakable believe and unwavering conviction. Secret formula Believe and you shall Receive.

?Uncovering your True Nature?
Reconnecting and eliminating limitations in belief system ?

We were all born with that knowing of our true self, where we all felt as a baby the most loveable, enough, confidant, expressive, joyful, playful, imaginative, connected to the source. What went wrong then when we no longer believe in our self and believe we are not enough or loveable as an adult when we were born with all that natural qualities and abilities? Hère comes the harmful effect of negative childhood conditioning where a child is helpless and absorb anything and everything till the age 7 where 3 years are nub and 7 years are crucial. Feelings and interpretations of that little mind about any negative event set the tone for their core beliefs then their whole life stood on those beliefs. In Inner child work, I work closely with all those feelings and perceived interpretations to release those traumas. Once we stripped off all those limiting beliefs that stops us from connecting to our authentic self we become whole as we were born without any limited conditioning and are able to connect with our true abilities as nature intended us too easily and effortlessly. Are you ready for this transformation on all levels Physical, Mental and Spiritual where you feel liberated? Let me share how I can help you with my guidance and expert techniques: I’ll let you: Find the limitations ( root cause)Feel the deepest darkest part (regression )Release the blocked energy ( reframe)Heal the wound ( transformation )Seal the wound ( let go) That will set you free like a bird to explore new heights and level in that vastness of open sky. ???

Connecting to the Intention

Thoughts are energy! Thoughts are powerful but for manifestation, your thoughts should be with feelings and feelings comes when you believe in that thought and that belief becomes stronger through repetition because that’s the only way our mind learns.. repetition. I Emphasize all the time on one major aspect is your inner dialogue. How you are speaking to yourself? Notice how much of your inner speech focuses on what’s missing, the negative circumstances, the past, and the opinions of others. The human mind is wired like that because the mind’s number one job is to make us survive and fear originate with survival but at the same time, we have the power to choose. You will be surprised when you pay attention and tell your mind that I am safe by slowing down breathing, deeply and slowly ( I usually recommend box breathing ) breath in 2..3..4 hold 2..3..4 exhale 2..3..4 hold 2..3..4 you get the power of choice! Now it’s up to you what you want in life lack or abundance where ever you will focus without fear you can create! Ways you can achieve what you desire! Close your eyes and take 3 slow deep breaths. Inner Dialogue and intention setting I intend to attract what I want and stop thinking about what I dislike. The new inner dialogue becomes the link connection to your intention. Reject thoughts that support an inability on your part to match up with intention. Be aware of low energy Recall that everything which includes your thoughts has energy and frequency that can be calibrated to determine whether it will strengthen or weaken you. It will need some conscious efforts in the beginning once your subconscious mind accepts those ideas it will sink in and becomes your habit and then your stronger positive empowering beliefs. Always keep the thought of abundance in mind. Remind yourself that the universe can’t be miserly, wanting. It holds nothing but abundance. Keep all inner talk focused on good reports and good results. Your inner speech mirrors your imagination and your imagination is your connecting link to the higher self. Your inner conflict with your desire nullify everything as our mind canot hold conflicting beliefs. Assume within yourself the feeling of any wish being fulfilled. Visualize the successful outcome already. Feel that feeling and feel that gratitude attitude! The more you do it the more you are wiring for success, abundance, and inner peace.

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