Positive Enlightenment by Ameenah

Repeatedly experienced Failed Relationships, Rejection, Body shamed, Not wanted, Not worthy, Failure hence not good enough! But not ready to see what’s under the carpet? rigid me? (actually mind mechanic).

When I understood subconscious mind dynamics and looked how these patterns impacting even in my present on surface prosperous life, but still feelings were same inadequate not good enough within and that showed in my behaviour like anger, reactive, not worthy, financially not open to give and receive, worried and people pleaser… psoriasis, Asthma to name a few unpleasant symptoms of my blocked beliefs.

I was so hurt in my early years on this planet that my mind blocked me going to the deepest place of my mind. Struggling with relationships, beliefs about myself were not good enough, I am different, No self esteem and Self worth was operating from traumatized body and mind!

Mind always moves you away from pain and moves you towards pleasure. Mind only does what it thinks you want to do and I wanted to hide my pain infact myself so I don’t look vulnerable and weak! So was keep adding layers to hide my true self. Deep down within me I was scared little child who felt abandoned!

Once I discovered the tool of hypnosis, brainwaves, concept of rewriting new beliefs I released myself from old limited belief patterns. Now my life is totally different because I see myself Worthy, Loveable, Safe, enough… Enjoying good health, abundance, calm mind and above all conscious parenting which means a lot to me.

Celebrating my existence, my right to be here! Universe has my back ?coming to this happy place took some time, but with my experience I walk with my client on their journey to support and provide safe space to be free and illimitable.

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