The Core Belief and the Shift!
"Recently, results of the Human Genome Project have shattered one of Science's fundamental core beliefs, the concept of genetic determinism. We have been led to believe that our genes determine…
Positive Enlightenment by Ameenah
"Recently, results of the Human Genome Project have shattered one of Science's fundamental core beliefs, the concept of genetic determinism. We have been led to believe that our genes determine…
Sounds familiar right! Constantly driven to do more better, to get the best and never feel satisfied in life with relationships, accomplishments always feels there is more to it and…
Repeatedly experienced Failed Relationships, Rejection, Body shamed, Not wanted, Not worthy, Failure hence not good enough! But not ready to see what’s under the carpet? rigid me? (actually mind mechanic).…
I am rocking by embracing who I am ! I am a star and I love myself the way I am. You have to be thin to wear this, take…
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so,…
Discovering a past life for the first time can easily happen in your meditation practice or in a hypnotherapy Session. It could also randomly happen to you at any point…
Chances are, you're experiencing a battle between the conscious and subconscious mind. Subconscious mind wants to keep that habit because When it brought that habit first mind thought it’s the…
As a human, we always strive to better our living in every way. In all areas of our life and it happens when we plan to reach at certain place…
We were all born with that knowing of our true self, where we all felt as a baby the most loveable, enough, confidant, expressive, joyful, playful, imaginative, connected to the…
Thoughts are energy! Thoughts are powerful but for manifestation, your thoughts should be with feelings and feelings comes when you believe in that thought and that belief becomes stronger through…